Well! I’ve been waiting a little more to update today! (sorry, sorry)
Since I’m going on hiatus for a month after this update, Teach Me To Kill will be back in its ANNIVERSARY January 15th!! (Also 5 days after my birthday~)

“On HIATUS??!” you may ask? And I say: Yup, but I’m not going anywhere! I’ll be working on Chapter 2, re-defining the story’s timeline, character sheets, redesigning the website, doing some illustrations and streams…
And uploading some GUEST ART and GUEST COMICS some awesome artists and other webcomic authors have sent me!

So for now, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support, comments, recommendations to your friends and for reading TMTK.
It’s been a long tough year but thanks to you guys I’ve been able to keep up until today, I seriously mean it.
This comic is my biggest project ever and I hope we can have TMTK for years!  I hope you enjoyed this first chapter as much as I enjoyed doing it.

Also, I’ll leave you with a POLL about WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE TMTK CHARACTER?
I want to do this poll every chapter and see how the character popularity evolves! I always like to know your opinions. (=

See you soon!!!