WE ARE BAAACCCKKK Finally! And this time we visit the biggest (and most painful for me) place in Paradies, the Dining Hall! Filled with chairs! SO MUCH CHAIR, VERY CHAIRS.
It’s been nearly what? A year? I have no words to describe the pain and embarasment I’ve been feeling all this time. During that time I’ve been dealing with a lot. I moved to a new place alone, after leaving the old place I had to stay in a shared tiny ass apartment sleeping on a couch for a month and half, then found and moved to the new place, during the end of this process my dog Sky began to get worse with her cancer, got a new tumor in her head. I had hopes she could get to enjoy more the new house and terrain and mountain, but at least she did for a short while, she got bad to the point where I had to take the decision and she left us. It was pretty hard for me, she was more person than dog so it felt harder than any other time. Now I have another BC pup, since the plan was to get one when I moved and with luck have her grow with Sky but we didn’t make it. So now I’m dealing with the new pup that’s a handfull of energy and still finishing house stuff. It’s definitely a ride. Now I’m spending time outside trying to tire the pup so I can then leave her alone inside sleepy and work a little and repeat when she wakes up again lol.
If you read all that, thanks and thank you all for your patience as always. See you very soon with next page!
And thank you wonderful people for supporting me and Teach Me To Kill on Patreon to keep going with more pages!